Monday, July 14, 2003

The anti-Palestinian censors are back at work. Last fall, conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel actually filed a lawsuit to prevent the National Student Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement from meeting at the University of Michigan, claiming that it was a threat to Jews (no violence at all came from the meeting). [See, item (w).]

Now, the censors are trying to ban the group's annual meeting from Rutgers University.\Nation\archive\200307\NAT20030714c.html
New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey is interfering with the college, demanding that the conference present a "balanced" perspective or be banned from campus. New Jersey Senate GOP leader John Bennett likewise demanded that the public Rutgers University ban the event from campus.

But don't expect the conservatives who complain about "political correctness" to say a word about this effort at political intimidation and censorship.

John K. Wilson

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