Saturday, February 10, 2007

$500 Thoughtcrimes in Arizona

Legislators in Arizona plan to announce a new bill banning all teachers who "advocate one side of a social, political or cultural issue that is a matter of partisan controversy." K-12 teachers who commit this thoughtcrime would be assigned to three hours of re-education, while professors would be punished with the same penalty or a $500 fine. David Horowitz is reportedly the force behind this "cutting-edge" expansion of his right-wing attack on academic freedom. At least now we know the answer to the question, "What is the price of censorship?" It's $500.

UPDATE: David Horowitz has clarified his views on the bill: "I oppose – unconditionally and without reservation – all those clauses of SB 1612 that refer to higher education." However, he still embraces the attack on the academic freedom of K-12.

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